256 research outputs found

    Computational Thinking : a welcome addition to the LOMLOE

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    If there is one thing we cannot deny it is how digital computing has revolutionised how we interact with the world around us. Everything from communicating with loved ones to operating on our bank accounts has been transformed in what appears to be a relentless drove towards an ever more connected world. However, the proportion of individuals who actually understand the ideas underpinning this revolution is minuscule. In an effort to promote the understanding of these underlying concepts, several countries have included Computational Thinking (CT) in their curricula: Spain has followed suit with the latest and current teaching law; the LOMLOE. In this thesis we strive to explain how CT is much more than ‘knowing how to use computers’ whilst shining a light on the intricate relation between computational thinking and mathematics. Spain is not the first country to mention CT in its national education regulation: other countries have beaten us to this milestone. That is why we can look at how the different strategies panned out to learn from both mistakes and successful implementations. We devote part of the ensuing discussion to analysing different curricula in East Asia and the European Union to that effect. One of CT’s most appealing features is how transversal it is: the lessons derived from it can be applied to a myriad of fields. In the same fashion as with other areas of knowledge, the synergy between mathematics and computation is so evident and potentially beneficial that it is high time we explored it and included it in our national curriculum. In an effort to land the topic at hand we also provide examples of how CT can be leveraged from a mathematics class. Keywords: Computational Thinking, Mathematics, Teaching.Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Matemáticas (M088

    Developing a network virtualization framework for testing network resilience techniques

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    El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado propuesto es el desarrollo de un sistema software que automatice el despliegue y gesti on de redes puramente virtuales para su uso como entorno de pruebas. El trabajo pertenece al ambito del proyecto CloudWall 2 del Depar- tamento de Autom atica de la Universidad de Alcal a, cuya meta primordial es el desarrollo de una infraestructura de resiliencia de red adapatada a las necesidades de los sistemas inform aticos del sistema sanitario para as incrementar su capacidad de prevenci on y reacci on ante ataques cibern eticos. Nuestro trabajo busca servir como mecanismo de val- idaci on para las t enicas obtenidas del proyecto CloudWall. El uso de contenedores de docker como nodos de red virtuales junto a las posibilidades brindadas por el kernel de linux ofrecen una gran cantidad de exibilidad que hemos re- spetado y proporcionado al usuario. La l ogica que implementa las funciones de control de red se ha escrito ntegramente en python3. Asimismo, se ha desarrollado una prueba de concepto para demostrar la adecuaci on del resultado obtenido para el uso que se le pretend a dar en un principio. Adem as, dadas las tecnolog as empleadas, las aplicaciones que se le pueden dar a este trabajo son m as amplios de lo inicialmente requerido. Con- sideramos que una de las aplicaciones futuras m as prometedoras es su posible uso como una herramienta de apoyo a labores docentes.The object of the proposed Undergraduate Thesis is the development of a software system automating the deployment and management of fully virtual networks for their use as a testbed. The project sits within the scope of the CloudWall 1 project from the Automatics Department at the University of Alcal a, whose main focus is to develop a Cloud-enabled Resilience Framework tailored for the needs of the healthcare IT infrastructures to in- crease their capability to prevent and react to cyber attacks. Its intended purpose is serving as a validation mechanism for the techniques developed within said project. The use of docker containers as virtual network nodes together with the possibilities o ered by the linux kernel provide a huge amount of exibility that we have respected and made available to the user. The logic implementing the network control functionalities has been written entirely with python3. A proof of concept proving the project's suitability for its intended use is also provided. What is more, given the technologies the project has been built upon its use cases are much broader than what was initially required. We consider its possible use as a teaching resource to be one of the most promising future applications.Grado en Ingeniería Telemátic

    Reconocimiento de escenas mediante integración multiescala de redes convolucionales

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    En el siguiente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se lleva a cabo el entrenamiento y validaci´on experimental de redes neuronales profundas pre-entrenadas, mediante un conjunto de datos formado por diferentes escenas de la Universidad Auton´oma de Madrid. Esto tiene lugar tras haber realizado una integraci´on multi-escala de estos conjuntos de datos como destino de diferentes tipos de redes neuronales. Para ello se crean diferentes datasets, a cada cual se le aplica una estrategia de escala diferente en funci´on de las redes neuronales a las que est´en destinadas, tanto para especializadas en escenas como en objetos. Las redes constar´an de una arquitectura ResNet. De esta forma forma se abordar´a la premisa se˜nalada en Scene recognition with CNNs: objects, scales and dataset bias[1] y se estudiar´a la eficacia de la multiescala en problemas de reconocimiento de escenas. Por ´ultimo, se hace un estudio comparativo del nivel de reconocimiento de estas redes, tanto independientemente como de manera integrada

    Molecular simulation of CO2 and H2 encapsulation in a nanoscale porous liquid

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    In this study we analyse from a theoretical perspective the encapsulation of both gaseous H2 and CO2 at different conditions of pressure and temperature in a Type II porous liquid, composed by nanometric scale cryptophane-111 molecules dispersed in dichloromethane, using atomistic molecular dynamics. Gaseous H2 tends to occupy cryptophane–111’s cavities in the early stages of the simulation; however, a remarkably greater selectivity of CO2 adsorption can be seen in the course of the simulation. Calculations were performed at ambient conditions first, and then varying temperature and pressure, obtaining some insight about the different adsorption found in each case. An evaluation of the host molecule cavities accessible volume was also performed, based on the guest that occupies the pore. Finally, a discussion between the different intermolecular host–guest interactions is presented, justifying the different selectivity obtained in the molecular simulation calculations. From the results obtained, the feasibility of a renewable separation and storage method for CO2 using these nanometric scale porous liquids is pointed out.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2021-125081NB-I0

    Caracterización de equipos para la recepción de nuevos canales de TDT en el centro emisor de Titaguas

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    Con el presente Proyecto Final de Carrera se pretende tratar de profundizar en el ámbito de la difusión de la TDT (Televisión Digital Terrestre), a través de un amplio análisis de diversos aspectos: el proceso de transmisión de la TDT en España, la metodología de recepción en los diversos centros, y el análisis de múltiples equipos para ello. Además, y como aplicación práctica y fundamento básico de este PFC, se va a tratar de adecuar unos equipos del centro emisor del municipio de Titaguas (provincia de Valencia) que en la actualidad no están siendo utilizados. Por tanto, habrá que distinguir entre dos partes claramente diferenciadas. el Proyecto Final de Carrera tiene dos grandes objetivos: En primer lugar, situar al lector en el escenario en el que nos encontramos: la situación actual de la emisión de televisión digital en España. Para ello se optará por hacer una descripción de la historia, de la TV analógica y por supuesto de la situación actual, profundizando en los aspectos técnicos de emisión y recepción utilizando el material que proporciona la empresa, además de todo lo aprendido hasta el momento. Seguidamente, en segundo lugar se plasmarán los resultados técnicos o prácticos de todas las comprobaciones realizadas con los equipos del centro emisor, de forma sencilla y entendible. Para ello se utilizarán las herramientas tanto técnicas como informáticas que sean necesarias para mostrar los resultados finales en el Proyecto.Martín Collado, P. (2012). Caracterización de equipos para la recepción de nuevos canales de TDT en el centro emisor de Titaguas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18440Archivo delegad

    Deep Neural Networks with Convolutional and LSTM layers for SYM-H and ASY-H forecasting

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    Geomagnetic indices quantify the disturbance caused by the solar activity on a planetary scale or in particular regions of the Earth. Among them, the SYM-H and ASY-H indices represent the (longitudinally) symmetric and asymmetric geomagnetic disturbance of the horizontal component of the magnetic field at midlatitude with a 1-min resolution. Their resolution, along with their relation to the solar wind parameters, makes the forecasting of the geomagnetic indices a problem that can be addressed through the use of Deep Learning, particularly using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). In this work, we present two DNNs developed to forecast respectively the SYM-H and ASY-H indices. Both networks have been trained using the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and the related index for the solar storms occurred in the last two solar cycles. As a result, the networks are able to accurately forecast the indices 2 h in advance, considering the IMF and indices values for the previous 200 min. The evaluation of both networks reveals a great forecasting precision, including good predictions for large storms that occurred during the solar cycle 23 and comparing with the persistence model for the period 2013-2020.Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Synthesis of fluorescent dendrimeric antigen efficiently internalized by human dendritic cells

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    A new fluorescent dendrimeric antigen (DeAn) based on a dendron with amoxicilloyl terminal groups has been synthetized. The synthesis implies a novel class of all-aliphatic polyamide dendrimer (BisAminoalkylPolyAmide Dendrimers, or BAPAD).[1] The introduction of a cystamine core allows the incorporation of this dendrons into a 1,8-naphthalimide fluorofore functionalized with a maleimide group. The fluorescence properties of this DeAn has been studied and compared with the properties of an equivalent dendron possessing amino-terminal groups. This DeAn has been used as a synthetic antigen in a biomedical assay that tests the amoxicillin sensitivity of dendritic cells (DC) from tolerant and allergic patients.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Synthesis of fluorescent BAPAD dendrimeric structrures for biomedical applications

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    Comunicación oral presentada en el Congreso IV Encuentro sobre Dendrímeros, Santiago de Compostela, 2014In this work, we present the synthesis and characterization of BAPAD1 fluorescent Dendrimeric-Antigens (DeAn), to study the dendritic cell maturation as a test to detect drug allergy reactions. Recently our research group developed a new kind of dendrimer, called BAPAD1, that we have used in this work to obtain the dendrimeric moiety of the target molecule. To this avail we synthesized a generation two BAPAD dendrimer using cystamine as core. Then, the free amine groups on the surface of the dendrimer were functionalized with an amoxiciloyl group (AXO), the allergenic determinant to the beta-lactam antibiotic amoxicillin. By the reduction of the disulfur bond we obtained two dendrons with a thiol group in the focal point, useful to attach a fluorescent probe. We synthesize as fluorescent moiety a naphthalimide derivative with a maleimide group upon which the thiol group of the dendron is added by a click reaction.2 In this way we obtained the target molecule to be used in the basophil activation test. The fluorescent DeAn (F-DeAn) has been fully characterized by NMR and MS techniques, and their fluorescent properties well established in aqueous biological media. The fluorescent dendron without the haptenic moieties at the periphery has been also obtained and fully characterized as a control assay. Both molecules have been also characterized using molecular dynamics simulation calculations. We show also here how these dendrimeric structures interact with dendritic cells and are internalized by them.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Managing with (fluorescent)-biomimetic dendrimers

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    Dendrimers that are modified through their peripheral groups have been employed for many biomedical purposes. Diagnosis via specific interactions with target proteins is one of the objectives that has been given more attention. In this way, we have been developing different methodologies for the detection of immunoglobulins, as an in vitro method for the diagnosis of allergic reactions to drugs [1], [2]. Specific cell interactions of surfaces grafted dendrimers have been applied to the study of cell adhesion. We have studied also the application of dendrimer-based uneven nanopatterns to evaluate the local RGD surface density effects on cell adhesion, as bioactive substrates to evaluate the impact of the RGD local surface density on the chondrogenic induction of adult human mesenchymal stem cells [3], [4], [5]. Although the use of PAMAM dendrimer has allowed us to develop useful methods for this purpose, for certain objectives we have required the development of new dendrimeric models. We have developed a new approach for the production of allaliphatic polyamide dendrimers (BAPAD) by iterative 3,3′-diaminopivalic acid connections as building blocks for dendrimer construction. These dendrimers were studied in explicit solvent by atomistic forcefield-based molecular dynamics to characterize structural properties such as shape, radius and monomer distribution [6]. Fluorescent labeling of these biomimetic dendrimers has been used as a tool to study their interaction with cells.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech